¡ ISO 9001:2008 certification acquisition @ iIwate Factory,Iwate 2nd Factory,Kamimiyamori Factory, @@Research and Development Centerj |
œThe examination registration engineF
œThe certification acquisitionF
2005/12/09 |
œThe certification numberF
C2017-02982 |
œThe certification periodF
2023/12/08 |
¡ ISO 14001:2004 certification acquisition @ (Iwate Factory,Iwate 2nd Factoryj |
œThe examination registration engineF
œThe certification acquisitionF
2004/04/19 |
œThe certification numberF
C2019-00633 |
œThe certification periodF
2022/04/18 |
¡ ISO 9001:2008 certification acquisitioniCebu Toyo Corporationj |
œThe examination registration engineF |
œThe certification acquisitionF
2003/12/16 |
œThe certification numberF
QHS021211-001 |
œThe certification periodF
2015/1/25 |
¡ ISO 14001:2004 certification acquisitioniCebu Toyo Corporationj |
œThe examination registration engineF
œThe certification acquisitionF
2005/01/20 |
œThe certification numberF
EMS021211-001 |
œThe certification periodF
2015/01/25 |
Environmental policy
ªTOP |
The Toyo Lens corporation is an enterprise that manufactures the optical component, mainly micro lens, in having been enclosed naturally of the beautiful scenery. It aims at the zero emission to succeed this environment to the next generation, and to accomplish a social responsibility and corporate ethics, recycling and recycling are promoted, it makes an effort to the decrease of the environmental burden, and the following and basic a Environment policy is decided aiming at the achievement of the recycling society, and the activity based on this is raised and promoted in all employees.

- Promotion of saving resource, energy conservation, and recycling
We try to omit the uselessness of the resource and energy, etc. , And work on recycling promotion (The use of chemical material playback equipment.) and to lose weight and to make waste a resource.

- Prevention of environmental pollution
We plan a chemical material (mainly, fuel oil A, kerosene, solfine, thinner, TPA, Yushiron) and The storage of chemical material safekeeping, dangerous materials storehouse, drainage processing institution, industrial waste depot, ground doh tank storehouse and We plan reduction of consumption and prevent reduction and environmental pollution of environment load and promote environment improvement.

- Observance such as the environmental various regulations concerned
When we deal with promotion of business activity, we observe the environmental regulations concerned and, in addition, our matter which agreed and try for earth environment protection.

- Continuous promotion of environmental safeguard activity
We devise an environmental purpose and an environmental management program for achievement of aim and promote activity about environment continuously and measure the improvement and try for improvement.

- Promotion of environmental education
Through of continuation and premeditated education and training, all employees understand an environment policy and carry out the daily life activity that environmental considered.Washing machine in particular carries out education chiefly to be able to perform reasonable management because there are much a handling kind and quantity of a chemical substance.

This environmental policy makes it known to everyone to all employees and announces it to the public widely and carries it out and tries for the achievement. |
October 1, 2012 The Toyo Lens Co.,Ltd. Iwate Factory |